A Bi-lingual (Bengali & English) Quarterly Bulletin (Gandhi Sambad / Gandhi News) has been released by the Sangrahalaya since 1998.
The Research Papers and Articles are invited from the interested contributors who may send their papers through e-mail to [email protected] by following the instructions below:
Instructions for the Contributors of Papers
1. The papers may be on topics related to Mahatma Gandhis thoughts and ideas and different social and cultural issues in the present society.
2. The papers must be original with supporting references not published before or not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
3. The papers should be written in MS-Word (1997-2003) Document format, in A-4 size pages with Normal margin.
4. Language, grammar, spelling and expressions must conform to the UK English only.
5. The papers are to be written in Arial Font, 1.5 line spacing must be maintained throughout the document; paragraphs are not to be indented, separated by double spaces.
6. Except the heading and contributor/s name/s, texts must be aligned Justified.
7. Heading/ Title of the paper must be aligned Centre, in 16 point Bold, first letter of each word in capital. Name/s of the contributor/s is/are to be inserted below the Title, in 14 point Bold, Italics and aligned Centre. Position/ designation of the contributor/s should be given as footnote on the first page itself.
8. Sub-headings are to be in 14 point Bold, aligned Left.
9. Rest of the texts are to be in 12 point Regular.
10. Direct quotes of less than 40 words should be in double-quotation marks in Regular Fonts. Quotations more than 40 words should be in separate paragraphs, indented from both sides, without any quotation mark, in Regular Fonts.
11. Proper and complete references must be given for all the quotations and citations, printed or online.
12. All references must be in Author-Year style following the American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing Guidelines (6th edition or later).
15. The papers should be limited to maximum 5000 words.
16. Acceptance or rejection of papers and required modifications in the title/ text are sole discretion of the Editor and shall be binding upon the contributors.
17. Major modification/s may be communicated to the contributors if time permits. Final acceptance of a paper shall be decided by the Editor.
18. Interested persons in contributing papers to the Bulletin of the Sangrahalaya are requested to submit their papers through e-mail to [email protected].